Saturday, October 30, 2010

Major Update

So a few things have changed since the beginning of the week:

Thursday's class really shocked us. Tim went down to the DigiFab Lab and asked about how much it would cost for us to print the form he created... only to find out that it would be $88... for the BOTTOM. The top part would most likely cost the same... so that means ONE complete device would be almost $200. We initally intended to make 3 of these, because in our system there are 3 different "settings" due to the various levels in the library.
We met as a group later that evening for some revisions...
Not only did we decide to make just one as an example of our idea- really three isn't necessary... we can get our point across with one- BUT we also re-designed our form as well. We tried to make it as compact as possible, switching to a flatter, rectangular shape as opposed to a circular, dome shape.
We also ordered some awesome small headlight rings used in cars as our light in the device. We were concerned about the light being more consistently shown versus "dots" of light- which occurred when we tested the higher-intensity LEDs. So that will be fun to play with, hopefully we will use it but if not I know we will figure somthing else out.

YESTERDAY- Tim and I decided a few more things, some pertaining to the form of the housing, and some just kind of for fun.
We went to Lowes to look at some pipes and other things that had to do with interlocking parts, basically looking at how forms can be put together in different ways. We found this really awesome crimped pipe that we are using as the inspiration for how our form will lock together.

As another component to our project we really want to design a small pamphlet or poster about being quiet in the library to accompany our device. I think this will be a fun addition to what we will produce and also aid in further understanding of why we chose the topic we did for our social tool.

There were also thoughts about turning our presentation into a performance piece... a recreation of a scenario that our device is intended for.

SO many things to think about... and now down to two weeks. So excited :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Some More Interesting Links

These two are kind of humorous:

This debate about the libraries is really interesting:

And this is just amazingly fun:

Some Awesome Websites

So I've been just looking around at some different topics that relate to this project...

Here are some links:

industrial art

what is art?

art on purpose

site specific art

I was also thinking about this project and comparing it to what other things I've studied throughout art school. Sometimes it's difficult to consider what you are doing as art. Even when designing something, such as a website or a business card, it can be hard (for me atleast) to recognize that what I am doing is art. For some reason I tend to think of art as being the thing on the wall or pedestal in an art gallery with a nice spot light above it and a little rope around it. I do know the art movements of the post WWII era, but I suppose this class has helped me to get reacquainted with them a little bit. Yes, art can be, and is obviously, that nicely framed painting or that bronze sculpture but art can also be... useful. It can be touched, and intended for interaction beyond simply sight, it can improve people's lives even on a basic level... not just to be more "cultured" or "intellectual."

It's thoughts like these when I realize that the old argument of "what is art?" can't really be answered... it can be anything really. Maybe that's the answer... art is anything. Anything can be art if that is its intention. Ok, so maybe making sound sensors for a library seems less like art and more like just a solution to a pretty annoying problem but we (my group) is not only trying to solve a problem, we are thinking about design, interaction, interface, circuitry, sensors, LEDs, wiring, color, sound, layers and layers of information... there's the art... in the consideration of the thing, if you don't consider the thing actual art.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Today was an excellent day for our group... talking about project two in further detail. We are continuing with the library device idea. Tim brought in a touch light so that we could decide what exactly our form would look like and how big it would have to be. We are thinking we will have to design our own form for the circuits to go in but Tim has been fantastic at designing with rhino. Our current dilemma is that we might have to make the bottom of the form and use the top plastic dome part of the touch light in order to have a material that will allow light to pass through. If we are allowed to buy our own ABS plastic, and if clear ABS is available, then it shouldn't be a problem and we can just design both parts.

Noah has been really great in trying to see what we can do with the arduino. I think that we will be able to create something that will be extremely usable in real situations.

This week we are focusing on figuring out what exactly we can do with our arduinos and the area that we will need to make the circuits so that we can have exact measurements for our form.

We are also really trying to develop all aspects of our concept, thinking about how this will get people to be conscious about their actions and how it can change the dynamic of the library.

This project has been very challenging (in a good way). I haven't had to consider concept as deeply since foundation classes in freshman year. It has been very mind-opening to not only participate in designing a form but think about the possible "consequences" of each decision (good or bad). I like that this idea is simple, a small way to make potentially positive change. It will be interesting to test it out and see how people actually react to this device in real-life situations.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Decibel Levels

Some Cool Things About Color

Thinking about color and what it means...

This will be important when my group decides on LEDs to incorporate into our devices (especially depending on the level that the devices are located in the library)

My current thought is:

Level 1= "loudest" level= yellow LED
Level 2= "less sound allowance"= orange LED
Level 3= "least sound allowance"= red LED

Yellow is a color of awareness, thinking about a stop light it warns drivers to slow down. In this case it will make students aware of their noise level.

Orange is a combination of yellow and red, therefore it makes sense that it would be used in the devices on floor 2 of the library to indicate a greater importance of silence for that environment.

Red could be effectively used on level 3 of the library, the quiet level, because it is greatly associated with the idea of "warning" or "stop" (as with a traffic light or stop sign).

Monday, October 18, 2010

Arduino Lights

Monday Brainstorm :)

Today in class my group (same group as project 1 plus NEW member Kevin! yay!) discussed further our thoughts on project 2. We changed route a bit after a fresh perspective offered by Kevin, awesome!

We are still going to focus our attention on the campus community, and want to make positive social change in the library by installing small devices that will help people be more aware of their affect on others around them. These devices will sense the volume at tables in the library and reprimand students if their noise reaches specific levels (depending on the area of the library, serious study areas would have a lower noise tolerance). Sound and light will be incorporated to alert students of their possible annoyance to others.

This idea will be great for our group to focus our attention on and I am so excited to get going. Now we just need to figure out how to get the arduino to sense sound and then trigger a pre-recorded sound or message/ lights...

Although this project isn't necessarily as grand as we could possibly go (in scale), it will definitely benefit the population here on campus because I know I have had some bad library experiences and that is one place you should be able to find peace to work.

Monday, October 11, 2010


So in the past week we have learned some more skills in Rhino, which was a challenge because it is different from other software that I have used (mainly the Adobe Creative Suite). Once I went back to the two exercises we did in class after class was over it was easier to understand how the program worked... my mind was free from frustration. It is interesting to see in that program how it forces you to consider the complete physicality of an object, including various sides and a 3D rendered version. I'm not sure if it makes it easier to design forms but it can get confusing... perhaps time and patience with the program allows you to start to think in those terms all at once.

On Thursday night I met with team mates Tim and Noah to talk about our ideas for the next project. We are definitely keeping our idea of creating a tool for social change that applies to the New Paltz campus, for student use. We want to use the arduino to create/ control sounds and lights in various combinations and install this circuitry into an object on campus, like an installation piece. We still need to work out the realities of what we want to do, get some permission to do the things we are thinking about, and figure out how to actually accomplish our ideas. I think this could be a really cool project... and OF COURSE we are still looking to fun theory as our inspiration.

It's a long weekend for Columbus Day so no class until Thursday...

Our "proposal":

Monday, October 4, 2010

Arduino Inspiration...


Meeting; Social Change? Arduino!


Last night I met with team mates Noah and Tim... we liked working with each other so much that we decided to do it again! We really have a good dynamic and our schedules also coincide efficiently so that helps in getting things done. Yay team!

We still are kind of rough on our ideas for the project... where to begin? Social change is so broad, and a tool for social change can be such an abstract concept... and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Atleast we have SOME goals to meet... such as incorporating human interaction, microcontrollers, and sensors... yeah... so now to build off of that idea! Oh and also it can't be larger than a human (what we build), not that I would be so down for building something larger than that anyway.

Ultimately we are thinking on the scale of campus improvement. What would benefit students? What would make people's experience here at SUNY more enjoyable? And we were really inspired by those fun theory videos shown in class... happiness really can make a difference! It's amazing what even a smile can do to somebody who's having a really tough day.

We were also thinking along the lines of making student's days more efficient, making something useful for them while they are walking to and from classes, work, activities, etc.
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THEN today in class (Monday) we played with our arduinos for the first time! I was really excited about it because I actually understood what we were doing, how it worked, and I was able to do all of the exercises with no problem. I think since I've done some web design/ coding that really helped me get the processing language for arduino. It is definitely different but still it works very similarly to what I've already learned.

I can't wait to see where we can take this thing... there are just so many possibilities.
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Here's a cool website on social change issues: