Monday, October 4, 2010

Meeting; Social Change? Arduino!


Last night I met with team mates Noah and Tim... we liked working with each other so much that we decided to do it again! We really have a good dynamic and our schedules also coincide efficiently so that helps in getting things done. Yay team!

We still are kind of rough on our ideas for the project... where to begin? Social change is so broad, and a tool for social change can be such an abstract concept... and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Atleast we have SOME goals to meet... such as incorporating human interaction, microcontrollers, and sensors... yeah... so now to build off of that idea! Oh and also it can't be larger than a human (what we build), not that I would be so down for building something larger than that anyway.

Ultimately we are thinking on the scale of campus improvement. What would benefit students? What would make people's experience here at SUNY more enjoyable? And we were really inspired by those fun theory videos shown in class... happiness really can make a difference! It's amazing what even a smile can do to somebody who's having a really tough day.

We were also thinking along the lines of making student's days more efficient, making something useful for them while they are walking to and from classes, work, activities, etc.
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THEN today in class (Monday) we played with our arduinos for the first time! I was really excited about it because I actually understood what we were doing, how it worked, and I was able to do all of the exercises with no problem. I think since I've done some web design/ coding that really helped me get the processing language for arduino. It is definitely different but still it works very similarly to what I've already learned.

I can't wait to see where we can take this thing... there are just so many possibilities.
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Here's a cool website on social change issues:

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